Gefunden auf Slashdot."Scientists at the Siding Spring Observatory have built a new system to map and record over 1 billion objects in the southern hemisphere sky. They collect 700 GB of data every night, which they then crunch down using some perl scripts and make available to other scientists through a web interface backed on Postgresql. 'Unsurprisingly, the Southern Sky Survey will result in a large volume of raw data — about 470 terabytes ... when complete. ... the bulk of the analysis of the SkyMapper data will be done on a brand new, next generation Sun supercomputer kitted out with 12,000 cores. [...]"
Australier bauen Clustercomputer für Sternenhimmel
Australier bauen Clustercomputer für Sternenhimmel
Australische Wissenschaftler bauen Clustercomputer zum Kartographieren des südlichen Sternenhimmels